Polk County Concealed Carry Class September 30th 2017


On Saturday September 30th from 10am to 1pm, Jay Lacson will be teaching a concealed carry class in Polk County open to the public. Additional information about the class is below. Click add to cart to register.

PLUS Now Receive A $185 Bonus When You Sign-up! Details Below.

8 in stock


About the Concealed Carry Permit Course:

This class has been developed to meet the standard requirements established in the Florida Statute 790.06(2)(h) for a license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm. After completing this course the students will be able to submit an application to the State of Florida for the Concealed Carry Permit.

CCW Students will learn:

  • Core safety rules and practices
  • Basic mechanical parts & operation
  • Proper Grip and Stance
  • Considerations for different genders, body types, etc
  • Training techniques
  • Relevant Federal, State, and local firearm laws as well
  • Psychology and physiology of self-defense

Class Duration: Appx 3 hours


When you sign up for this class today you will immediately receive a coupon pack valued at $185. Coupons provide discounts up to $25 on various industry proven products that you will probably need anyway. Products include: Gun law books and videos, training pistols, holsters, gun cleaning products, gun safes and cases, training tools, hearing protection, and more. Click here for more details.

About the Concealed Carry Instructor:

Jay Lacson is a NRA instructor living in central Florida.  He served honorably 3 years in the US Navy and 6 years with the US Army, held the rank of Sergeant and served as a pistol instructor while assigned with the Army. Jay also served 2 years as a correctional officer and 9 years as a federal law enforcement officer. Jay has over 20 years of professional firearms experience and training.

How to Register:

You can register for class by clicking on the “Add to Cart” button above. After successful payment the class information including address will display on screen AND will be emailed to you with a copy of your receipt.

The Class Location:

The class location will be in Polk City, you will receive the exact physical address upon completing registration for the course.


How Do I Apply For My CCW License After the Class?

After the class, you will walk out with a class completion certificate signed by the instructor. From there you just need to visit your county sheriff’s office and apply. Don’t worry. We’ll give you detailed instructions and set you up before you leave the class.

[button link=”https://florida.concealedcarry.com/cart/?add-to-cart=1743″]Enroll Now![/button]

[button link=”https://florida.concealedcarry.com/cart/?add-to-cart=1743″]Enroll Now![/button]


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