Seminole Concealed Carrier Stops Nightmarish Stabbing Spree

Clearwater Florida DGU

A Publix parking lot in Seminole was the scene of a bloody battle between 2 good samaritans, a female shopper, and a robber whose knife created the carnage. Luckily, this battle, while vicious with viscera, ended as quickly as it began due to a third samaritan and his gun. The incident took place on the…

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JUSTIFIED: Pasco County Man Stops Robbery with Force

On January 26th at 6:40 a.m., Christopher Lilly, 30, walked into the 54 Food Mart convenience store at 26556 Wesley Chapel Blvd. wearing a black mask and intending on robbing the store. Lilly demanded money and ordered the clerk and the customer into the walk-in cooler. This according to the police report of the incident.

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