Posts Tagged ‘Justified’
Seminole Concealed Carrier Stops Nightmarish Stabbing Spree
A Publix parking lot in Seminole was the scene of a bloody battle between 2 good samaritans, a female shopper, and a robber whose knife created the carnage. Luckily, this battle, while vicious with viscera, ended as quickly as it began due to a third samaritan and his gun. The incident took place on the…
Read MoreJUSTIFIED: Pasco County Man Stops Robbery with Force
On January 26th at 6:40 a.m., Christopher Lilly, 30, walked into the 54 Food Mart convenience store at 26556 Wesley Chapel Blvd. wearing a black mask and intending on robbing the store. Lilly demanded money and ordered the clerk and the customer into the walk-in cooler. This according to the police report of the incident.
Read MoreJUSTIFIED: Orange Clark Store Clerk Shoots and Kills Robber
An armed robber was fatally shot by a store clerk during a foiled robbery of an Orange Park convenience store early Saturday morning, according to the Clay County Sheriff’s Office.
Read MoreMarion County Man Stops Car Robbery By Taking Criminal’s Gun
In Marion County last Wednesday, a man held a 17-year-old boy at gunpoint after he reportedly caught the teen inside his Jaguar attempting to steal credit cards and jewelry.
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